







World Metrology Day Events

Below is the list of those 2018 World Metrology Day
events we have been notified of.

To view last year's events, please click here.

To request publication of your event,
please e-mail us a brief summary in Word,
your logo and a web site link.


World Metrology Day - May 20

When you have held your World Metrology Day event Metrologist Magazine would like to publish your celebration!
Please send your text and photos to lstone@ncsli.org



Celebration of World Metrology Day 2018 in the Republic of Azerbaijan

Each year World Metrology Day is celebrated in the Republic of Azerbaijan.  To mark this year’s topic “Constant evolution of the International System of Units (SI)”, the Azerbaijan Institute of Metrology  (the Legal Entity of Public Law) will organize a seminar on scientific and technical metrology on 21 May 2018 in Baku.

Invited guests from the public and private sectors, representatives from higher education institutions, as well as experts from the Azerbaijan Institute of Metrology will deliver speeches about the perspectives of the redefinition of the SI, the current status of measurements in the country, ensuring uniformity of measurements in the Republic of Azerbaijan, and will also discuss the challenges faced, the needs, and the proposed solutions in this field.

For more information please email: a.gurbanov@metrology.gov.az


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2018 World Metrology Day in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) observed World Metrology Day 2018 in a befitting manner. In observance of the day, a special discussion programme took place at the Headquarters of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Auditorium, Dhaka, and in all the other Divisional Regional offices i.e. Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal and Sylhet.

A brief description of the day's events, including many photos and a video clip can be download here:

Photos BSTI_Barisal.zip


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2018 World Metrology Day in Belarus

In commemoration of World Metrology Day 2018, the National Metrology Institute of Belarus (BelGIM) has scheduled a special program, which includes such activities as organizing a scientific and technical workshop on metrology, holding an open day at the NMI, and making arrangements for appropriate mass media representation of the event.

As a part of Belarusian Industrial Forum 2018, a workshop entitled “Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements in the Republic of Belarus” will be held for metrology professionals of businesses and institutions.

For additional information see: www.belgim.by


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2018 World Metrology Day in Belgium: Stakeholders' workshop

The Metrology Division of the Belgian Federal Public Service Economy organizes each year, for World Metrology Day, a Stakeholders’ Workshop. This year, the event will take place in Brussels on Thursday, May 24.

The aim is to bring together the world of industry, testing laboratories, enforcement agencies, infrastructure management, decision makers and other specialized services, in order to exchange on needs and progress in metrology.

For more information and registration, please visit our webpage.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Brazil

The National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro), the Brazilian National Metrology Institute, will be celebrating World Metrology Day 2018 on May 22, with the theme Constant evolution of the International System of Units.

The event will be held at the Campus of Inmetro, in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro. On this occasion, speakers from Inmetro’s Scientific Metrology and Technology Directorate and Legal Metrology Directorate will make presentations followed by discussions with the audience on the perspectives of the redefinition of the SI. For more information: sfsantos@inmetro.gov.br


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2018 World Metrology Day in Chile

Every May 20, World Metrology Day day is celebrated by the The Instituto Nacional de Normalización de Chile - INN (Chile’s NMI) in commemoration of the signing of the Metre Convention that took place in Paris in 1875, a treaty that was signed by Chile in 1908.

The seminar began with the exhibition "Importance of Metrology in the Quality Infrastructure of the country", by Mr. Pedro Ibarra, Head of Metrology Division of INN and moderator of the meeting, who spoke about the importance of this area for the sustained development of a country.

The seminar continued with the exhibition "Fourth Industrial Revolution. Looking from the Chemical Metrology ", dictated by the Chemical Engineer William Güin, expert in chemical metrology and adviser of the division of Metrology of the INN. The talk addressed the changes and new challenges that industries face with the intelligent technology that is installed every day in more areas of society.

"All this fourth industrial revolution is going to change the chemical analysis itself in the measurement part and this we have to understand now. The industries will be faster, more efficient and cheaper, which is already happening in Germany," he said.

The third exhibition "Measuring the Quality Infrastructure. Use of Artificial Intelligence given by the Physical Engineer Gerardo González, physical metrologist and also part of the INN metrology division, dealt with the correlation between the development of quality infrastructure and the economic growth of a country.

"The impact on quality infrastructure is direct, since it promotes the free movement of goods and services, reduces technical barriers and tariff barriers. This has a very important relevance in the free trade agreements. The CI is a great floor to establish equality between us, it is a measure that allows us to compare and trust between countries, "he said.

The last papers were "Biometrology and the new challenges in laboratory tests", dictated by Dr. Esteban Paredes-Osses, a professional from the Institute of Public Health, who addressed the field of metrology associated with molecular biology; the "Importance of the National Metrology Network for future challenges", by Mr. Celestino Meneses, metrologist and head SGC of Intronica Ltda., who highlighted the importance of the National Metrology Network and the role that Chilean universities must fulfill your students, who will be responsible for the development of this area in the future.

For more information, you can visit our website: www.metrologia.cl/link.cgi/467


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P.R. China


2018 World Metrology Day in P.R. China

Each year, World Metrology Day is celebrated in China at both national and regional levels. To mark the year 2018, a milestone year with the revision of the SI, a special half-day event was organized by the newly formed State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) as well as several other bodies. The event took place on May 20 in Beijing with the following sessions:

  • Speech from Mr. Zhang Mao, Minister of SAMR (download the PDF file here),
  • a welcome session including a promotional video,
  • keynote speech session with talks from Mr. Alan Johnston, former CIML President and Mr. Hratch Semerjian, former CIPM Member,
  • a Ceremony to launch the Creative Works for Metrology, an artwork design and collection activity co-organized by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), SAMR, and the Central Committee of Communist Youth League of China under the “China Science Communication” program of CAST to raise public awareness of metrology, and
  • a Ceremony to present the 2017 Science and Technology Progress Awards of the China Society for Measurement.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Colombia

The Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia - INM (Colombia’s NMI), has organized a series of talks to the general public on the redefinition of the SI. The aim of these talks is to ensure a better understanding of the origin of these changes, and their consequences for the Metrology World, related areas and our everyday lives.


Con ocasión de la redefinición del Sistema Internacional de Unidades (SI) el Instituto Nacional de Metrología de Colombia - INM, ha organizado una serie de conferencias para el público general; que buscan divulgar entre los asistentes en qué consisten y cómo nos afectan estos cambios.

El Día Internacional de la Metrología tiene una connotación especial puesto que, a partir de esta fecha se da inicio formal a un proceso revolucionario en el mundo de la Metrología desde su creación, el nuevo SI.

Tengo el gusto de invitarlo para el próximo 31 de mayo, entre las 08:30 hasta las 09:30 a las instalaciones del Instituto Nacional de Metrología – INM (Av. Cr. 50 No. 26-55 Interior 2 del CAN), cuando Colombia se unirá a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Metrología. El tema de este año es: Evolución Constante del Sistema Internacional de Unidades – SI.

Descargue el programa aquí.



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2018 World Metrology Day in Cuba

The National Bureau of Standardization, the National Research Institute of Metrology and the national designated institutes CENTIS and CPHR have organized a program to celebrate World Metrology Day which includes press conferences, workshops, local events and other activities. On May 18 a National Commemorative Act will be held, at which the most important personalities of the Cuban metrology community will be present. For more information: www.nc.cubaindustria.cu and www.inimet.cubaindustria.cu.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Ecuador

Metrology, one of the most important sciences that support invention and human creativity, is very important in everyday life due to the need we have for reliable measurements.

In Ecuador, the Ecuadorian Standardization Service - INEN is the body responsible for metrology and acts as the competent national body in quantities such as mass, volume, length, force, pressure, humidity, temperature, energy and chemistry.

For this reason and in the framework of World Metrology Day, which is celebrated every May 20th in honor of the "Metre Convention", and for which this year’s theme is Constant evolution of the International System of Units, INEN has organized an event during which several activities will be developed.

In particular this year our Executive Director has extended a cordial invitation to students, professionals, industry and the general public so that they can be part of this event. Attendees will be able to get to know more about metrology through conferences and an open house which showcases the operation of the laboratories, equipment and processes that are carried out daily in the Technical Direction of Metrology.

The event will be held on May 18th, 2018, starting at 09:00, at the National Metrology Laboratory of INEN located in Quito.

For more information, you can visit our website www.normalizacion.gob.ec, or contact us by email: consultas.metrologia@normalizacion.gob.ec


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2018 World Metrology Day in Egypt

NIS-Egypt is celebrating World Metrology Day on two different days:

- On 13 May a ceremony was hosted in a major hotel with guests from various sectors, to introduce the change to the SI and to present a selection of lectures. The topics reflected both the start of the SI and its evolution, and the impact and importance of metrology in our society.

- On the second day, 20 May (World Metrology Day), NIS will open its doors for guests to join an open tour of NIS laboratories to interact and raise awareness of NIS capabilities and the facilities which NIS can offer.


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La Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie par l'Association Metrodiff - La métrologie au fur et à mesure

L’Association METRODIFF a pour but de promouvoir la culture métrologique et de mettre en place tout type d'action concourant à la diffusion de cette culture. Pierre Giacomo, co-fondateur de METRODIFF, l’a présidée pendant sept ans (2000-2007).

Cette Association participe régulièrement à la Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie. Cette année, à l’occasion de l’évolution du Système International d’Unités, elle lance un projet de médiation scientifique et métrologique intitulé « La métrologie au fur et à mesure ».

Pour découvrir toutes les activités prévues dans le cadre de la promotion de cet événement, n'hésitez pas à consulter la page dédiée à l’événement du site Internet de METRODIFF en Français ou en Anglais.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Indonesia

In commemoration of World Metrology Day 2018, RCM-LIPI Indonesia is organizing a national conference on metrology called Scientific Meeting and Presentation of Calibration, Instrumentation and Metrology (PPI-KIM) which will be held in Jakarta on 7-8 May 2018. This event will consist of a Special Lecture on the Redefinition of the SI by a representative of the BIPM, a Talk Show on the role of metrology in health, a scientific paper presentation, an essay writing competition for universities, an ISO 17025 Workshop for calibration laboratories, and Metrology Corner (stakeholder engangement opportunity). For more information: www.ppi.kim.lipi.go.id


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2018 World Metrology Day in Iran

The National Metrology Center of Iran (ISIRI-NMCI) celebrated WMD for the 10th successive year. Professors and students of universities, lab managers, metrology activists and other interested parties were among the participants at Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran.

Opening the proceedings, Dr. Madanipour, NMCI President, provided a report on NMCI activities carried out last year in the fields of scientific and legal metrology at national and international levels. Emphasizing the redefinition of the International System of Units, he announced the recent establishment of the Iranian Metrology Society.

Mrs. Pirouzbakht, ISIRI President, said the new SI definitions are revolutionary in metrology and will speed up technology development in the world. She invited the Iranian academic community to assist ISIRI-NMCI to promote the New SI in society.

Dr. Mohtamedi, Amirkabir University President, referred to the effective role of universities in metrology and announced his university’s readiness for cooperation in scientific and research fields with ISIRI-NMCI, and so the first step was taken to formally sign a Memorandum of Understanding between ISIRI and that university.

Moreover, a mutual MoU between NMCI and RISE Research Institutes of Sweden with the presence of its representative was signed and exchanged in the interested fields and a lecture on the history of the SI and the redefinition was delivered as well.

Due to NMCI’s participation in the WMD Poster 2019 competition, in an innovation action, an exhibition of all the posters received was held at the venue of the WMD ceremony and all the Iranian volunteers were appreciated for their highly welcome.

Also, the WMD Message of the BIPM and BIML Directors, as well as the WMD poster, were translated into Persian and distributed to 31 relevant provincial institutions in the country.

Last but not least, after the agreement of CGPM in September 2018, ISIRI-NMCI is will be holding 7 national workshops until May 2019, in the different provinces to promote the New SI in I.R. Iran.

To download a zip file of photos of the event, click here.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Italy - INRIM Open Day with hot air balloon!

On Sunday 20 May 2018, the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, the Italian National Metrology Institute, is opening its laboratories to the public and is organising a conference and a panel discussion to celebrate World Metrology Day 2018.

This is the first Open Day has INRIM ever organised. The event is intended to be both a celebration and an opportunity to learn what researchers do in a metrology institute and what is going to change in the science of measurements with the new International System of units (SI).

INRIM will be open to visitors from 2 pm until 8 pm. The programme of the day will include:

  • Visits to the INRIM laboratories
  • A conference entitled "The measure of things, from Eratostenes to Verne", given by the renowned Italian mathematician and science writer Piergiorgio Odifreddi
  • A panel discussion - moderated by Piergiorgio Odifreddi - with four INRIM researchers to talk about the new SI, metrology research for the environment, energy-saving, and quantum optics.
    • The roadmap of the panel discussion will be:

    • "Will we weigh more? Will we weigh less? What's happening to the kilogram in the new International System of measurement units?"
    • "INRIM and the environment: how much carbon dioxide, produced by human activity, is responsible for the greenhouse effect?"
    • "INRIM and energy-saving: green trains and subways are on their way"
    • "Quantum INRIM: how photons can protect our credit card"
  • Open-air experiments and metrological entertainment for children and adults
  • Facebook contest: the prize for the best amateur metrologists will be an air balloon ride!
  • Exhibition of the posters realised by the students of the Institute of Art and Design of Turin (IAAD) for the international contest that selected the official poster for World Metrology Day 2018
  • Prize-giving of Luana Rosi, the IAAD student who suggested the slogan "Constant Evolution", chosen for the World Metrology Day 2018

For more information, please visit the INRIM website.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Monterrey – Mexico

The Metrology Laboratory ETALONS and the Hospital Christus Muguerza will be celebrating 2018 World Metrology Day. This important celebration will be held in the Hospital Conchita Auditorium in Monterrey, México. This event will take place on May 18, 2018, with the theme Constant evolution of the International System of Units. On this occasion, we will also have a Biomedical Workshop.

Register now:  www.forodemetrologia.com


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2018 World Metrology Day in Mongolia

Each year, the Metrology Institute of the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) organizes a seminar for World Metrology Day.

This year, the forum was held in Ulaanbaatar on Friday, 18 May 2018 on the topic “Constant evolution of the International System of Units (SI)”.

Invited guests from the national universities of Mongolia and Institutes and representatives from institutions, as well as experts from the Metrology Institute of MASM delivered speeches about the perspectives of the redefinition of the SI, and the current status of measurement traceability. They also discussed future plans to promote the new SI system in the country, including translating the 9th SI brochure into Mongolian and running an awareness raising campaign, etc.

Within the framework of this work an MoU agreement was signed between MASM and the National University of Mongolia to implement joint research work projects.

For more information please refer to www.masm.gov.mn


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2018 World Metrology Day in Montenegro

In the context of the celebration of World Metrology Day, the Bureau of Metrology organized “Open Days” from 7 to 25 May 2018 for elementary and high school students.

On this occasion, the Bureau of Metrology was visited by 950 students from 15 elementary schools and six high schools from several Montenegrin cities.

The students were presented with basic information on the upcoming change of the definition of the International System of Units (SI) as well as a short history of metrology with a special emphasis on the signing of the "Metre Convention".

The students were also presented with national measurement standards and attended simple measurement procedures in national calibration laboratories in the field of metrology of mass, pressure, length, electrical quantities, temperature, time and frequency, volume as well as the Laboratory for Electrical Power.

The Bureau of Metrology has been organizing the event called "Open Days" for five years now, to mark the celebration of World Metrology Day.

For more information please visit:  www.metrologija.gov.me/


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New Zealand


2018 World Metrology Day in New Zealand

The Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand and the Metrology Society of Australasia are co-hosting a full day event on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 in Wellington. There is a full day programme of informative talks that address the theme of ‘Constant Evolution’ including presentations about the SI Redefinition, ISO/IEC 17025, workshops on Laboratory accreditation assessments and how to track instrument performance.  For more information please email info@measurement.govt.nz or refer to www.measurement.govt.nz.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Peru

May 20 is World Metrology Day, commemorating the anniversary of the signing of the Metre Convention in 1875. Our country, Peru, was one of the 17 Metre Convention original signatory countries. The theme for World Metrology Day 2018 is “Constant Evolution of the International System of Units (SI)”. For this reason, the National Quality Institute of Peru, INACAL, through the Directorate of Metrology as the Peruvian INM, has organized the Week of Metrology from Monday 14th to Friday 18th May, which includes the IX Metrology Symposium, Metrology Day for Schoolchildren, free guided metrology tours to get to know the INM´s Laboratories, and free metrological conferences on the interpretation and applications of the verification procedure for vehicle gas measurement instruments and changes in the Peruvian Metrological Standard NMP 005 Meters for hot and cold drinking water.

For more information please email eventosdm@inacal.gob.pe  or visit www.inacal.gob.pe/metrologia/categoria/eventos


Update 2018-05-25: Links to photo albums of the 2018 Metrology Week in Peru

1.- Monday 14 May
Event: Free Guided Metrology Tours to know the INM´s Laboratories

2.- Tuesday 15 May
Event: Free Metrological Conferences:
Changes in the Peruvian Metrological Standard NMP 005 Meters for hot and cold drinking water, Parts 1; 2 and 3 ; based in the international standard  ISO 4064-1:2005 Measurement of water flow in fully charged closed conduits — Meters for cold potable water and hot water, Parts 1; 2 and 3

3.- Wednesday 16 May
Event: Metrology Workshop for Schoolchildren

4.- Thursday 17 and Friday 18 May
Event: IX Metrology Peruvian Symposium


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2018 World Metrology Day in Poland

World Metrology Day in Poland is organized by the Polish National Metrology Institute - Central Office of Measures (GUM). Our aim is to bring together the various metrology communities from the Polish measurement administration.

This year, the event is connected with the celebration of the beginning of the 100 year anniversary of GUM. The agenda of the celebration includes the meeting of top management staff with the employees of GUM, during which a presentation on 100 years of Polish metrology as well as the WMD poster will be made. An important part of the celebration will be official unveiling of the bust of the first GUM Director, Zdzislaw Rauszer.


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2018 World Metrology Day in Portugal

As the National Metrology Institute of Portugal, the Portuguese Institute for Quality (IPQ) will be celebrating World Metrology Day 2018 on Monday 21 May with the theme Constant evolution of the International System of Units by organizing an "Open Day". This event will consist of a conference with oral presentations by invited speakers followed by visits to the IPQ National Metrology Laboratory and the IPQ Metrology Museum. For more information: www.ipq.pt.


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Saint Lucia


2018 World Metrology Day in Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia will join the rest of the world in the observance of World Metrology Day on May 20th 2018. Saint Lucia will commemorate the occasion with an outreach activity to two secondary schools, Micoud and Beanfield Secondary Schools in the southern part of the island.

For more information and to read the official Press Release, please click here.


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Saudi Arabia - IMC


2018 World Metrology Day in Saudi Arabia - IMC

To mark World Metrology Day 2018 with its theme “Constant evolution of the International System of Units”, the academy of the International Medical Center, Saudi Arabia, will organize a complete practical course called Metrology and Cleanroom Technology which will be held in IMC on 28-30 April 2018. For full details, please click here.


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Saudi Arabia - SQC


2018 World Metrology Day in Saudi Arabia - SQC

Under the official patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), the Saudi Quality Council (SQC) is organizing the Ninth Measurement Forum to be held on 22 April 2018, in line with this year’s theme Constant evolution of the International System of Units.

The highlights of the program are:

  1. Venue: SASO branch in Jeddah.
  2. Keynote Speaker: Eng. Osama Melhem, a well-known expert in Legal Metrology.
  3. The program consists of two sessions with four lectures, in addition to the introductory speech and the speech by H.E the Governor of SASO.
  4. In addition to the four lectures, a lecture entitled “Tour of the metrology world” is delivered every year to explore evolutions in the measurement arena.
  5. The program will cover various applications of measurements such as the legal aspects, the evolution of the SI units, testing of the quality of air and “measurements and medicine”.
  6. A special web page has been created for the event, which presents the WMD program with different resources and information about the concepts and application of metrology. Also, the translation into Arabic of the messages from the BIML and BIPM Directors is included.

Please visit www.sqc.org.sa/wmd/ for more information.


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Journée mondiale de la métrologie 2018 au Sénégal

La Division de la Métrologie entend commémorer cette importante journée le Mardi 22 mai à l’Hôtel les Résidences Mamoune sis sur la VDN à partir de 9h et les acteurs sont cordialement invités avec comme thème central "En constante évolution, le Système international des unités".

Pour de plus amples renseignements, merci de bien vouloir cliquez ici.


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8th Intercongress Seminar & World Metrology Day 2018

On the occasion of the World Metrology Day 2018, Centro Español de Metrología (CEM) will organize the 8th Intercongress Seminar on the theme  “SI revision”  on 18 May 2018.

The titles of the oral presentations at this Seminar are as follows:

- Key conference: La revisión del SI. Estefanía de Mirandés (Secretaria ejecutiva del CCU del CIPM).

- Round table:

  • El papel de las constantes naturales en la ciencia y su implicación en la revisión del SI. Miguel Ángel Martín Delgado (Facultad de Ciencias Físicas. Univ. Complutense de Madrid)
  • Redefinición de la unidad de masa y su diseminación. Mª Nieves Medina. (Jefa de Área de Masa y Magnitudes Mecánicas del CEM)
  • Redefinición de la unidad de temperatura y su diseminación. Mª Dolores del Campo. (Jefa del Área de Termodinámica y Medioambiente del CEM)
  • Redefinición de la unidad de intensidad de corriente eléctrica y su diseminación. Yolanda Álvarez Sanmamed. (Responsable Laboratorio de Impedancia del CEM)

CEM invites everyone interested in the science of measure to participate free of charge in this event.

Presentations will be available on the CEM website after the seminar. A special booklet on the SI revision has been developed and will be available too.

For more information on the seminar, please click here for the website and download this PDF file.


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Journée mondiale de la métrologie 2018 en Tunisie

Sous l’égide du Ministère du Commerce, l’Agence Nationale de Métrologie "ANM", célébrera le mardi 25 décembre 2018, la Journée mondiale de la Métrologie sous le thème: Le Système Internationale d’Unités "SI" en constante évolution.

Aussi, dans le cadre de la deuxième édition du prix national de la métrologie 2018, et en marge de cette Journée Mondiale de la Métrologie, une cérémonie de remise des trois premiers prix est prévue, aux laboratoires tunisiens vainqueurs qui sont spécialisés dans le développement des techniques de la métrologie.

Ce Prix National de la Métrologie est un concours annuel ouvert aux entreprises, aux laboratoires et aux chercheurs qui se sont distingués par le développement de bonnes pratiques dans le domaine de la métrologie (aussi élémentaire, efficace et novatrice) ou faisant preuve d’excellence dans la maîtrise de la métrologie, tant sur le plan des ressources humaines, moyens techniques que sur le plan des aspects financiers.

Il est à préciser que le prix national de la métrologie a été créé en vertu d’un décret daté du 16 août 2016, après une décision du ministre du commerce en date du 28 mars 2017 et relative à la désignation des membres de la commission nationale chargée de l’étude des dossiers de candidature pour l’obtention du prix.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, merci de bien vouloir cliquer ici.


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United Arab Emirates


UAE celebrates World Metrology Day 2018

World Metrology Day will be celebrated in Dubai, UAE under the theme of “Constant evolution of the International System of Units” by organizing a pre-celebration event to be held on 14 May in the compound of the Dubai Central Laboratory Department – Dubai Municipality. The event will be attended by various stakeholders from different companies and local governments in Dubai that are all concerned with the current theme.

In addition to the pre-celebration event, Dubai Municipality has also invited the public to participate in a mini quiz game to promote awareness and emphasize the importance of the International System of Units in their day to day activities. The winners will be given awards during the pre-celebration of World Metrology Day 2018.

For more information, please e-mail us at calib@dm.gov.ae or visit our website at www.DM.gov.ae


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2018 World Metrology Day in Uzbekistan

In 2018, in order to improve the regulatory and legal framework for ensuring the uniformity of measurements and the comparability of measurement results at international level, and to increase the level of confidence in measurement results and tests carried out in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted Decree No. 21 of January 10, 2018 "On the application of units of values in the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Also this year, within the framework of World Metrology Day, the Uzbek National Institute of Metrology SE of the Uzstandard agency plans to hold the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Metrology-2018". Additional information: www.nim.uz.


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